
Reflecting on a Year of Innovation, Collaboration, and Sustainable Growth

As we near the end of another impactful year at Reginnova NE, we look back on the progress, partnerships, and goals that have guided our journey. We’ve worked side-by-side with visionary organizations, engaged students and professionals in shaping a more sustainable future, and supported projects that link TCLF tradition with innovation—all in the name of …

Reflecting on a Year of Innovation, Collaboration, and Sustainable Growth Read More »

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Initiativa de Vouchere pentru Circularitate

Inițiativa Vouchere de tranziție spre economia circulară a fost dezvoltată ca parte a proiectului TEX-DAN – Towards a Circular Value Chain in the Textile and Fashion Industries ,având scopul de a sprijini microîntreprinderile și întreprinderile mici și mijlocii în implementarea tehnologiilor sau a modelelor de afaceri circulare.  Alăturați-vă nouă pentru a accelera transformarea circulară a …

Initiativa de Vouchere pentru Circularitate Read More »

Empowering Change: The TCBL Association’s Vision for the Textile and Clothing Industry

In a world where the textile and clothing industry faces growing scrutiny for its social and environmental impacts, the TCBL Association emerges as a beacon of hope and change. Composed of individuals and organizations committed to driving real transformation, the TCBL Association envisions an alternative system built on experimentation, trust, and shared values. With a …

Empowering Change: The TCBL Association’s Vision for the Textile and Clothing Industry Read More »