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TEX-DAN aims at the uptake of technologies at SMEs for improved circularity in the textile and fashion (T&F) value chains through transnational collaboration in the Danube Region. In many aspects – including circularity – textile and fashion sectors lag behind other sectors. In addition, a low level of awareness to circular solutions is observed all …

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Craft Revitalization Action for Future-proofing the Transition to Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Development It is the ambition of CRAFT-IT4SD to revitalize knowledge, practices and traditional techniques as shared cultural resources for sustainability as well as spillovers into a new, customer driven and sustainable creative economy, allowing for born-sustainable small and micro-sized enterprises to share climate …

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Workshop-Entrepreneurial Engineer vs. Intrapreneurial Engineer in the Factory of the Future

We extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the wonderful students who participated in the workshop organized by SAS Societatea Antreprenorială Studențească “SAS Tuiasi” on the theme of Entrepreneurial Engineer vs. Intrapreneurial Engineer in the Factory of the Future. Your energy, curiosity, and passion brought such vibrancy to the event, making it truly special. …

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Join TCBL Days 2023: Exploring Sustainability in the Fashion Industry

The quest for sustainability in the textile, clothing, and fashion industry is a complex journey, requiring a holistic approach that integrates various elements to achieve real and lasting change. Join TCBL Days 2023 to dive deep into this multifaceted landscape, focusing on connecting silos in education and training, research and innovation, and business models. Mark …

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Austria ClusterXChange

Join us as we recount another unforgettable chapter in our ClusterXChange journey, where we had the privilege of immersing ourselves in the dynamic world of innovation at GRAND GARAGE, Central Europe’s largest FabLab! Nestled within the historic Tabakfabrik Linz, GRAND GARAGE stands as a beacon of creativity and ingenuity, offering a unique makerspace experience like …

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Austria ClusterXChange

We’re thrilled to announce our recent participation in the ClusterXChange Mobility , an initiative aimed at fostering collaboration and addressing key challenges within the fashion sector through cross-sectorial approaches. This dynamic program serves as a catalyst for exchanging ideas, expanding horizons, and uncovering potential business prospects. Over the past week, we embarked on an exhilarating …

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Curs: Formare de baza industria 4.0 si tehnologii digitale

Ești pregătit să explorezi provocările și oportunitățile Industriei 4.0 și să aplici tehnologiile digitale în propria ta activitate? Atunci cursul oferit de ICONIC este perfect pentru tine! Prezentare Generală a Cursului: Durata: 32 de ore Locatie: Online pe platforma ZoomPerioada: 6-21 AprilieLector: Dr. ing. Doru Cantemir Cu o vastă experiență în domeniul ingineriei și o …

Curs: Formare de baza industria 4.0 si tehnologii digitale Read More »


FIT EDIH este pregătit să își lanseze serviciile în cadrul evenimentului INTEK (4-7 Aprilie 2023, Brașov)! Dacă sunteți interesați să aflați mai multe despre ofera și să fiți printre primii care beneficiază de serviciile acestora , vă invităm să vă inscrieți la eveniment! Veți avea oportunitatea să fiți alături de experți în inovație și tehnologie, …

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